eCommerce Strategy

We know you need a trusted eCommerce strategy expert to create a tactical approach to your website and it’s approach to selling. Your strategy partner needs to be affordable, switched on, understand your CMS platform, API’s and POS systems.

Plus, you’d like your eCommerce Strategy Partner to know performance lead generation marketing like the back of their hand COG Strategy is an experienced and trusted Strategy Consultancy in Sydney. We offer a free briefing, start connecting your brand with business today.

Sell online, sure. Though without an eCommerce Strategy you’ll miss out on a podium finish.

Online today there are more people selling online than yesterday. There are opportunities and challenges, COG Strategy Consultancy in Sydney are here to address both of these things for our clients.

With around two and a half million small to medium sized enterprises in Australia, it’s crazy to think that only a little under 15% have an online commerce solution, let alone a eCommerce strategy. With retail online in our country having a consistent year on year growth curve, roughly 40% annually, it’s hard to ignore huh? How’s this though… One in two sales are from a smart phone and handset mobile device.

So this year where will your increased sales come from? COG Strategy can give you the easy answer. online!

The eCommerce strategy solutions our digital agency delivers to our clients are tailored for their specific business model, position in their market, their competitors and expected sales turn over.

Our approach to developing advanced eCommerce strategies include the implementation of various techniques and methodologies. We micro-target our clients audience online. Establishing a clearly identifiable suite of user behaviours and characteristics. Once we define our clients niche market opportunity we can deliver specialised offers. When we supply this type of targeting we also need to personalise the eCommerce experience to website visitors. It’s all about delivering a user experience through a shopping and purchasing experience that is custom built for this user.

The cross platform and device usage of the targeted audience and consumer also needs to be considered. An obvious part of our digital advice today involves mobile, and eCommerce is fast becoming a online market place in your hand. COG strategists are experts at providing instructions to the COG Digital web developers to deliver a browsing experience that conforms to a well-structured navigation and user interface which drives sales, minimises cart abandonment and fosters a return of the user.

eCommerce strategies also need to use digital content to generate better leads and remain relevant to the target audience. Some user experience strategy and SEO / SEM strategy can assist in any eCommerce campaign and strategy. As users visit multiple channels our research will include user audits and the channels they’re likely to visit frequently. When we offer a seamless user experience across multiple channels, the sales will increase though more importantly users will recommend and return.

To meet any eCommerce growth a good strategy will accommodate logistics as this directly effects performance and the bottom line. Our best advice is to ensure product availability, reliable promotional offers and a trustworthy and dependable brand experience will consistently build brand equity and business performance.


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