Brand Analysis

We know you need a trusted professional partner to analyse your brand.

Your supplier needs to be affordable, methodical, and understand how to discover insights from research. Plus, you’d like a clear direction on what to do next. Trust The Small Business Brand Strategy Experts.

COG Strategy are Brand Analysis experts. Understanding how to repair brands begins with an analysis of the brands current health.

Our brand analysis processes are focused on identifying and addressing problem areas in neglected brands and bringing them back up to speed to be strategically aligned with the business.

COG Strategy perform brand reviews which are basically health checks of the brand at a high level. Our clients brands are living entities that evolve, expand and contract. At business start-up the brand is a shining representation of hope and dreams, showing promise and holding much expectation. This eventually plateaus with time and what is then needed is what we call a Brand Analysis.

Our strategy agency in Sydney pursues strength in brand for our clients. We know a well managed and automated brand is profitable and with constant management of brand equity it directly increases company value. We deliver Brand Reviews and brand analysis to monitor the cycle of business and the measurable brand equity within. Ideally our process keep our clients switched on that keeps the brand snap fresh, on-point and relevant to it’s audience.

The COG Strategy Brand Analysis process begins with an extensive examination of brand market position, how it stacks up against its competitors and how effective the brand is at a high level. Ideally we need to assess how strong the brand is, where its fragmented and where it’s weak points are before we can adjust and understand where the opportunities are which the brand is not currently taking advantage of.

It’s pretty easily explained why our clients do a COG Strategy Brand Analysis. Basically, a well managed and optimised brand delivers more equity to the business than a busted one, thus this will positively effect the bottom line over time.


The down side is that a strong and empowered brand can be a bull in a China shop if there isn’t adequate panning and management in place. We often see that with our brand analysis projects we deliver to our clients.

A COG Strategy brand analysis will discover at a high level Brand Strengths, Brand Opportunities, Brand Weaknesses, Brand Threats. We also discover

  • Brand Competition
  • Brand Effectiveness
  • Brand Failure
  • Brand Neglect
  • Brand Awareness
  • Brand Value
  • Brand Resources
  • Brand Perception
  • Brand Voice
  • Brand Culture
  • Brand Positioning

COG Strategy deliver some key outputs in our Brand Analysis Service. Below are a top ten which are different for every organisation. There is no once-size-fits-all approach. The key element in any brand review is the for honesty and  objectivity.

  1. Reveal customer and audience perceptions.
  2. Stimulate and restructure brand management and accountability.
  3. Increase internal team brand awareness.
  4. Reassess marketing communications.
  5. Deliver broader brand strategy insights.
  6. Offer a digestible brand evaluation and refocus your brand positioning.
  7. An opportunity to establish brand positioning.
  8. An opportunity to assess brand collateral.
  9. An opportunity to understated and analyse brand direction.
  10. Highlights areas of brand security needing attention.

COG Strategy is supported by the broader COG Branding team. This support is beneficial for our clients as any discoveries made during the brand review and analysis phases are translated directly into actionable items and brand repair projects. Our work makes a difference and we ensure a professional and premium result.


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