Industry Specific Public Relations and Marketing Communications Assistance

SOILCO transforms organic waste into the world’s best soil health products and services to meet the soil improvement needs of Eastern Australia and regenerate natural systems.


They design, build and operate state-of-the-art organics recycling facilities with processing capabilities new to the Australian industry. Their advanced composting technologies transform organics into quality-assured products to regenerate soil for dynamic growth.

Today, SOILCO processes approximately 100,000 tonnes per annum of food and garden waste for several local government areas.


  • Workshops With Senior Stakeholders
  • Business Strategy
  • Research and Insights

The brief

SOILCO had experienced growth in new areas of the business and had not scaled their business strategies for these areas at the same pace. SOILCO required industry specific public relations and marketing communications assistance while also overhauling existing marketing communications and business positioning. 

COG Strategy inherited a legacy of basic marketing communications systems, process and general brand management in place. The COG Strategy focus was to understand the business case, and what sort of growth would be expected in new areas, and what other suppliers and industry experts we would need to engage before we looked to implement any new systems, technologies or strategies.

COG Strategy’s job was to ensure SOILCO were set up for as little disruption to their BAU as possible, a key part of the brief would be to support the General Manager in their objectives and vision and to also assist in the information transfer to the technical people of the business who were not savvy with brand and marketing communications.

SOILCO is a unique business that offers a variety of products and services that are all intellectual property and highly sophisticated in their operations and function.

The COG Strategy Solution

SOILCO Business Development solutions initially commenced with a series of workshops with senior stakeholders to deep dive into their industry to discover insights, and what they know to be true for their business and brand. COG Strategy understand that our clients are experts in their industry and business – they simply need assistance in directing the correct solutions through the right channels. 

A broader business development case allowed COG Strategy to create some key foundations to key areas, and to establish brand and marketing communications pillars where there were none.

Insight: Within the research there is always golden nuggets of truth and actuals the form the core decision making and planning for future strategy works. With core insights we’re able to provide solutions that are appropriate, commercially viable and meet customer and market expectations.

Framework, Strategies, Planners: Our strategy work is delivered to ensure our clients can autonomously manage and drive the plan through the business without COG Strategy needing to implement every step of the way. Our work is value focused and we know we need to build intelligence client side.

Launch, Roll Out, Execute, Nurture: With frameworks and strategies delivered, the

The results

SOILCO now operates strategically from a suite of managed strategies that are driven through the business from the top down, senior management having a stake in the ongoing success of what has been implemented.  

The SOILCO Business Development Strategies ensured the business could define the marketing communication objectives, refine their audience and articulate the brand messages to clients, customers and team members. Key to this was to also understand what sort of investments needed to be made in a variety of business areas that drive growth, retention and sustainability.

The SOILCO Business Development project included a suite of frameworks that clearly define who SOILCO should be talking to (both employees and customers), clarification on why the business is wanting to talk to them, how and when SOILCO will deploy marketing campaigns, and a rationale on media type and advertising budget.

The discoveries made within the SOILCO auditing process delivered key research and insight which offered COG Strategy’s client a dashboard of current business and brand information, and as per the initial brief was able to then be rolled into other projects such as digital marketing workflows and website technology upgrades.

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