
We select, connect, think, sift, transform, invent. We’re a strategy agency forming original ideas.

Trust The Small Business Experts With Your Ideas.

The COG Strategy agency exists in Sydney Australia, a great place to watch the world grow exponentially in complexity. As creative marketing professionals the ability to generate original ideas is becoming more difficult day by day. It’s a demanding gig… new ideas daily.

The more we know, the less we know, the quicker our ideas & ideation are shared, absorbed and discarded. The simple brilliance of the ‘big idea’ in our clients world today is often lost in the reverb of competitors communication and chatter that we are exposed to daily through the ever growing channels of media and technology.

At COG Strategy our approach to generating dynamic and fresh ideas for our clients derives from forming originality through discussion, research and communication. We’re big on workshops and speaking, getting out from behind our desks and keeping the human interaction alive. We know that using our strategic and proven methods which include rapid visualisation creative workshops, our team is able to discover truly great ideas and concepts that work in the complicated landscapes of our modern society.

At COG Strategy we’re all about pursuing positive things that change the way people interact and respond using technology. When our clients use our ideas to deliver positive brand experiences it gives us a real kick.

Our Ideation services can be applied to any business, brand, product or service. Clients come to us for ideas when they’ve run out of their own.


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