Social Media Strategy

We know you need a proven strategy expert to develop a Social Media Strategy for your brand.

Your strategy partner needs to be affordable, a forward thinker, and deliver performance focused advice. Plus, you’d like to have your Social Media strategist create, deploy and manage your social media campaigns. COG Strategy is an experienced and trusted Sydney Strategy agency. We offer a free briefing, start connecting your brand with business today.

COG Strategy understands that consumers seek out connections with brands, real ones. And today, many of the best brands have a strong platform to converse directly with their clients on social media.

It’s likely your audience will try reach you via a couple of key methods first, social media being one of them. COG Social Media Agency Sydney develops social media strategies to strengthen brand engagement and build deeper relationships with our clients customers.

The COG Strategy approach to social media strategy and marketing, is a complex stream of communication within a brands audience and consumers. Our social media strategies pursue success for our clients by initially addressing how our clients think about their approach to social media. We believe to achieve online success our clients brands we need to be unified in knowing their social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram are opportunities for real conversations, and not so much about a place to push campaigning.

Our Social media strategies consider that these digital communication channels are the free world for thought and action. Anyones voice can be heard to share their thoughts, opinions (and everyone has one) and experiences. The emotion involved is personal, a like, a comment, a PM, a share, a hashtag. These interactions through channel features are deeply connected to the social user and their account, their content, their voice. Miss out on tapping this opportunity and its a good chance your brand will fall just a little bit behind.

The creation of a dynamic and engaging social media marketing strategy relies on a true understanding of how to best utilise social media channels and where a brand can find leverage. At COG we do this. Sometimes Twitter will only be relevant for some clients, individuals or certain brands. And other businesses or individuals are strictly suited to a business conversion on a platform like LinkedIn.

COG Strategy assists our clients and their brands by driving them towards new beliefs of what traditional marketing is defined as. We challenge our clients to achieve their goals by creating two way communication between brand and audience, and walk away from the one way street approach to dealing with their brands audience and consumers.

The type of social media strategy we develop begins with a deep and true understanding of the businesses audience and customers. We need to understand their on line behaviours, their offline behaviours, how they use the business and how they interact with what the business offers in the digital space. From this initial phase of research our strategy can then pursue a more considered opportunity for the brands audience to engage, to converse and to get a more positive experience from the brand itself.

After the initial research phase of building a social media strategy we consider the other brand support materials that may exist for the brand and business already such as brand guidelinescommunications strategies and any other research that the brand has done.

COG Strategy develop social roadmaps and and in-depth audience behavioural analysis through easy to understand graphics. We make it easy for our clients to decipher and understand our strategies.

Our social media community managers need to also understand intimately what the brands key objectives are so we can meet KPIs. More importantly are a companies consumer relations protocols, we follow these, or we can create them. As part of our strategy it’s our responsibility to track the sentiment of the audience, and carefully monitor the tone of voice which is initially developed in the content planning and creation phases. We also can include some premium features within our social media programs such as advocacy programs and social media reward programs.

Reach out and engage with your brands customers online via social media with COG Strategy.


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